Lessons Learned Series – Episode 2: Security Guard


The latest episode in the Lessons Learned Series.



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6 thoughts on “Lessons Learned Series – Episode 2: Security Guard

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  1. Excellent learning tool! I’ve watched a number of videos and browsed through plenty of security-related web sites, but no one else I’ve seen takes real-world surveillance video and does a detailed analysis to help people learn from the mistakes – and successes – of others. I’m looking forward to more – thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s one that I hadn’t seen before, and judging from the descriptions I see there, it’s going to be another great resource. Just as I’ve been passing along your site and videos, I’ll be passing this one along to others as well. Thank you for the tip!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Chris,

    While there are many mini-lessons in the video, you captured the main points. Well done. This video can be used by many to help create a safer world.


    Liked by 1 person

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